Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adventure Over

It was quite an experience to move to Wisconsin for 4 months.  I did not get to experience everything I would like to have but I still had a good time. 

I was very disappointed with the weather as I was expecting a lot of snow and it did not come.  I was expecting to go ice fishing but the locals told me the ice was never thick enough to chance it.

I met a few wonderful people.  Abby at Burger King, was my favorite.  Beth, Liberty Tax's shinning star.  Paul, our IRS enrolled agent. Trevor, a teenager who wants to make perfume and Nikki, the manager of the store next to Liberty,  all these people are amazing and I will never forget them.

Abby was great.  I think she was a little surprised when I introduced myself and asked her name in return.  We had quite a few wonderful conversations at the drive thru.

Beth stepped up to the plate when we needed a marketing person and did what ever we asked her to no matter how degrading. She delivered B2B coupons, did the Liberty Lady waving plus did taxes, What a trooper!

Paul who never passed up a chance to insult me, but taught me so much and I am so grateful. He was a great guy when you overlooked his dings.

Trevor is an amazing teenager who knows what he wants to do with his life.  My best to you and I hope you stay focused.

Nikki,   who befriended me when I really needed a friend.  Thanks you so much for our talks.

Last but not least Don and Dawn. I liked the condo on the river even though it was inconvenient to work. I appreciate the opportunity to get to know you and do a job I truly enjoy.

Goodbye Wisconsin

1 comment:

  1. Well I truly enjoyed having you up here with us Souix! I wish you and your sister the best of luck as you move forward with your lives down South!! Thank you again my friend!

