Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adventure Over

It was quite an experience to move to Wisconsin for 4 months.  I did not get to experience everything I would like to have but I still had a good time. 

I was very disappointed with the weather as I was expecting a lot of snow and it did not come.  I was expecting to go ice fishing but the locals told me the ice was never thick enough to chance it.

I met a few wonderful people.  Abby at Burger King, was my favorite.  Beth, Liberty Tax's shinning star.  Paul, our IRS enrolled agent. Trevor, a teenager who wants to make perfume and Nikki, the manager of the store next to Liberty,  all these people are amazing and I will never forget them.

Abby was great.  I think she was a little surprised when I introduced myself and asked her name in return.  We had quite a few wonderful conversations at the drive thru.

Beth stepped up to the plate when we needed a marketing person and did what ever we asked her to no matter how degrading. She delivered B2B coupons, did the Liberty Lady waving plus did taxes, What a trooper!

Paul who never passed up a chance to insult me, but taught me so much and I am so grateful. He was a great guy when you overlooked his dings.

Trevor is an amazing teenager who knows what he wants to do with his life.  My best to you and I hope you stay focused.

Nikki,   who befriended me when I really needed a friend.  Thanks you so much for our talks.

Last but not least Don and Dawn. I liked the condo on the river even though it was inconvenient to work. I appreciate the opportunity to get to know you and do a job I truly enjoy.

Goodbye Wisconsin

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wolf River Diner

 The neon sign, beautiful at night.

 The front of the Diner.

 The side of the Diner.

 WOW, isn't this beautiful? This is so 50's authentic, amazing.

I love the signage behind the counter. You can watch the chef hard at work. I had the opportunity to have both this Chef and Chef Tiffany prepare my breakfast.  I highly recommend the "Wolf River Pile-Up".

The Coenen's invite you to stop at the diner and enjoy the great food and company. Visit their Web site and FB page.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Trip to Waucapa

 Covered Bridge on Covered Bridge Road, Waupaca WI
 Stream that runs under the covered bridge.

Utility markers, they had better hurry before the snow melts and their paint is washed away.
 The Red Mill.  I was saddened to see the water wheel was let go and falling apart.
 View of Red Mill from Nelson Park.
 The lake across the road from Red Mill.
 Another view of Nelson Park.
 Another view of the stream.  I thought the fallen trees were interesting.

 Street view of Red Mill.
 I took this photo but missed the directions to the  covered bridge.  I will catch it next trip.
 Front porch of the Red Mill.
 These folks thought long and hard for a name for their village.
Interesting combination of casino and canoe trips.

These are some mean looking boats.

This was the only restaurant I found online that seemed original. Below is my scrambled breakfast.  You can't see them but underneath the eggs is a bed of hash browns.