Thursday, January 19, 2012

Burr, minus 5 degrees air temp?  Can I survive up here?  
I guess we will find out, won't we?  At least it should be in the middle of the night when I am sleeping.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Liberty Tax Open and Ready for Business

 Our office on Dec 23, 2011
 O'my what a mess and a lot of work to do.
 Don, Our Fearless Leader
Come on in and sit a spell.
 Our office is ready for business!

Brenda, our bubbly Miss Liberty!  
Even at 14 degrees,  shes' a real trooper.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blocked garage

I came home last night (01/13/2012) and someone had parked right in front of my garage. 
  I could not find the owner so Lexi had to spend the night out in the coldShe wasn't none too happy about it either.  LOL  This is Lexi and she is a southern girl not used to the cold up here in Wisconsin.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

More Wolf River photos

 Just before dawn
Daybreak reveals ice on the river.

Where I am staying on the Wolf River

The "A" marks Fremont WI on this map.
The "A" on this map marks the location of the condo where I am staying.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wolf River Jan 4, 2012

Isn't this beautiful!

Old Country Buffet

I stopped here on my way home from work hoping it was like the "Hometown Buffet".  It was and they have excellent food.  
Cornbread, Baked Potato, Cornbread Dressing and Meatloaf
Now check out this receipt:
I know it is hard to see, but the Lunch total was $6.29

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012 Wolf River

The same river as in the video, 4 days later  Click on the photo and you will be able to see the ice.

My Neighbor

This is the only neighbor I have met and we have not been formally introduced. He/she barks and I talk back but not sure we are having the same conversation.

Weather perdiction for Jan 1.

Snow outside + fire burning inside = perfect Sunday 

Festival Foods

I love this store, they sell Champagne in the produce section.
 The manager requested that I not take any more photos.  But when I explained that I have never seen anything like this, being from Tennessee and all, he allowed me to take more. (Yeah, I poured on the "HICK", LOL) I did promise not to share them all on the web, so this is all you get.

Partridge Lake

Partridge lake is upriver from the Wolf River that runs by the condo. 
 On the day I stopped by, I had to laugh at the "Swim at your own risk" sign.  They should have had a sign warning of the possibility of thin ice.
 Click on the photo to read the sign.

Cinder's in Appleton

 This is one of Don's favs.  The day I went with him, I wasn't very hungry and only had a bowl of chili.  It was made just the way I like it, hot and spicy.

These are the lights over the tables.  They were not coming out well with my camera so there is a stock photo below.


Are you a bread lover?  This bakery is amazing.  If it is made with flour and yeast, they have it.

It is also a very dangerous place to meIt is just across the street from the office.  Just smelling the bread can make you gain 5 pounds.

Isn't this the cutest little shopping center?

It is in Weyauwega, WI.
I did a search for nearby groceries and the nearest one was in Weyauwega.  On my way there from Fremont, I saw this and had to turn around and check it out before continuing to get the groceries.  I expected it to be all touristy stuff, but the shops are pretty normal everyday shops.

Best place in Appleton for Pizza!

My friend took me to SteviB's my first night here.  I really miss Mr Gatti's from my years in Louisville, and SteviB's is even better than Mr Gatti's.
 SteviB's will make any ingredient pizza you desire. Ever get a craving for a chocolate, pepperoni and pickle pizza?  LOL  You just might find it here.

The Condo where I am staying.

It belongs to my friend and new employer. It is really amazing and so much more than I expected. It is as large as my 2 br apt back in TN and a lot nicer.  I sit on the patio every morning and have my first cup of coffee of the day.  Looking at the river and the quiet peacefulness of the view is a great start to any day.
My unit is the one of the left with the light on.
This is my view from the patio.


From my years on "Biggest Loser" forums, I met an amazing friend, Don.  When Don decided he would buy a "Liberty Tax" franchise, I volunteered to come to Wisconsin and help him set up his first store.  I have been involved with Liberty Tax for about 5 years and I thought my experience would be of use to him.  Don said "come on up", so here I am.  This is a wonderful adventure and I want to share it.

I started a page on my other blog, but it didn't allow comments.  This is why everything is posted today, Jan 1, 2012.